PayPal Payment Processing Suddenly Not Working

I’ve been using PayPal as my processor for Credit Cards for a long time, and it’s mostly worked great. However, the last couple of orders have failed. The customer is getting this message: “Your order has been declined by the payment processor. Please review your information and contact store administration.” The latest customer, I called her and placed the order on our web site as if I was her. I got the exact same message. So then I logged into my PayPal account and using the Virtual Terminal was able to process her payment just fine. Anyone know what could be going on here? I have a Stripe account, so I could temporarily switch to that if this persists, but I really would like to process my payments with PayPal if possible. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Which exactly PayPal payment method do you use?

PayPal Pro. I’ve been using it for years. Has anything suddenly changed?


PayPal Pro has long been deprecated by PayPal itself:

So what is the recommended method to use instead of PayPal Pro? And can you point me to a step-by-step guide on how to get that set up? It looks like there are settings under Payment Methods in Settings, and also a PayPal add-on. Thanks in advance for your help.

Please use the PayPal Complete Payments instead.

We have documentation about this payment method for both CS-Cart products:
Store Builder: How To: Set up PayPal Complete Payments — CS-Cart 4.18.x documentation
Multi-Vendor: How To: Set up PayPal Complete Payments (Multiparty) in Multi-Vendor — CS-Cart 4.18.x documentation

So this forces customers to PayPal’s payment page and forces them to log in to a PayPal account or create one if they don’t have one. This is not what I want. I want to be able to process credit cards on my site like I’ve done for years–without customers even knowing I’m using PayPal as a payment processor. Is that no longer an option?

OK so now I am trying to set up Stripe as my credit card processor, and my settings page is totally different from that shown in the documentation. In my store’s version of the settings page there’s a field for Transaction Key (I have no idea what that is and have left it blank), but in the settings page shown in the documentation, there is a field for publishable key and one for secret key. Screenshots attached. What in the world is going on here? As far as I know, I’m on the latest version of CS-Cart. Has the Stripe add-on been updated separately from the base cart software?

If we are talking about PayPal, then sadly no.

This screenshot is definitely not related to the default Stripe payment. In the current version of CS-Cart, its settings are identical to those described in the documentation.

“This screenshot is definitely not related to the default Stripe payment.”

Yet this is a screenshot of the Stripe configure page in my CS-Cart. Telling me that this screenshot is not related to Stripe does not help me. What is your suggested solution for this? I am running CS-Cart 4.18.3

It depends on how you have it configured and which option the customer selects. One of the options is credit/debit card and that option does not redirect the customer to PayPal.

Something is not working correctly then. This is where my customer is redirected to when they click the “Submit my order” button:

Then when they click the button that says Pay with Debit or Credit card they are taken here:

With my previous setup, if the customer chose Credit Card, there was a form right there on my web page that that could fill out and then click the Submit my order button and the order would process without them every leaving my site. Where do I find the settings to make it behave this way again?

That’s the old view. The new PayPal integration doesn’t have a “Submit my order” button.

This is what mine looks like.

When the customer selects Debit or Credit Card, this opens on same page without redirect.

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OK. Well I guess some of my CS-Cart installation is messed up then. I can’t get Stripe to work properly either. I seem to be chasing my tail and getting nowhere. Probably need to just migrate to another shopping cart (I have one on another site that just works) or hire a developer to fix this mess. Thanks for your input.

@thetool My PayPal is working like that now. However, I don’t like this because it forces the customer to enter their name and address information twice, does it not? Your screenshot there shows a blank form, which is what mine does also. Problem is, the customer has already filled out all of that information once. That’s kind of a dealbreaker to me. Does anyone know of a way to make that information auto-populate from the default checkout form?

I think the add on is a work in progress so maybe you need to mention it or wait for the next update. I know they are working on adding Apple and Google pay.

Maybe it doesn’t auto fill it because it may conflict with billing and shipping?

Currently there were no plans to transfer a customer’s address, however passing a name and an email of a customer were planned to be integrated.

The developers had already prepared the necessary changes, but due to Stripe’s testing restrictions, we are unable to test this feature at this time. You can try applying the changes below and see if it helps:

diff --git a/js/addons/stripe/views/payment_button.js b/js/addons/stripe/views/payment_button.js
index 6e8f9a1de03..194291ad810 100644
--- a/js/addons/stripe/views/payment_button.js
+++ b/js/addons/stripe/views/payment_button.js
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
                     amount: $'caStripeTotal'),
                     label: $'caStripePaymentLabel')
-                requestPayerName: false,
-                requestPayerEmail: false,
+                requestPayerName: true,
+                requestPayerEmail: true,
                 requestPayerPhone: false,
                 requestShipping: false

We will be grateful for feedback on these changes, and depending on the feedback we will either include them in the next release or not.

Not sure what you are talking about here. I’m talking about the empty form that pops out if a person chooses to pay with debit or credit card…it would be nice if that form was pre-populated with the customer’s information that they have just entered.

I’ve been using Stripe for the past two weeks or so and what a headache. I sure hope the upcoming CS-Cart update fixes all the problems. For example, I’m getting multiple emails for each order. Why? Also, the Stripe addon is totally messed up with regard to inventory tracking. This morning I got an order for a product where I only have 1 in stock. When I was using PayPal, it would simply deduct the 1 sold from inventory and the product would start showing as out of stock. But no. Stripe can’t do that. Instead of deducting the one item sold, it ADDS 2 OR 3 BACK INTO INVENTORY!!! Crazy!

hi, the multiple emails per order could stem from a few things.

Sometimes, payment gateways like Stripe send out their own notifications—like a confirmation from Stripe itself—while CS-Cart might also be firing off its own order confirmation emails. If you’ve got any addons or custom settings enabled, like vendor notifications in a Multi-Vendor setup or some kind of order status update trigger, that could pile on even more emails.

It’s possible the Stripe addon isn’t syncing properly with CS-Cart’s notification system, causing duplicates. Have you checked your CS-Cart email settings under “Settings > Notifications” or peeked at the Stripe addon’s configuration to see if there’s an overlap in what’s being triggered?