PayPal Payment Processing Suddenly Not Working

Yes, I have checked CS-Cart’s email settings. More than once. I didn’t really think that could be the problem since I didn’t change any of this when switching from PayPal to Stripe. There is nothing in the Stripe addon’s configuration that references email notifications in any way, so there’s nothing to test there.
The inventory thing is a big headache. I really hope they get this sorted out in an update, but I’m not holding my breath. And I just heard they pushed the release date out another whole quarter. :exploding_head:
Thanks for your time and helpfulness.

Well this thread has become confusing since originally it was a PayPal issue and now we are talking about Stripe as well.

@kingsleypress , there were a couple of others that were/are experiencing the same with Stripe. I can’t remember if they resolved it completely but you may want to search for them.

Yeah. Sorry for the confusion.
I’ve decided to muddle along and wait everything out until the next update. If that doesn’t fix the issues, I will be moving to another platform that I’m already using for another business and basically just works. I’ve been with CS-Cart since 2009 I believe. On other platforms these issues would be resolved through support tickets, but CS-Cart’s support options are so ridiculously high priced for a small merchant like myself I can’t even consider going that route.

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Stripe 8 emails

CS-Cart solved the problem with the 8 Emails

Did they fix it free of charge? Frankly as a small merchant I can’t afford their $2,200 per year fee for support. That’s outlandish.

Just report a ticket.
If it is a bug in CS-Cart, they should fix it.

OK thanks. I’ve submitted a ticket.

Did they do something or not?

They did not do anything.

CS-Cart Helpdesk updated a .diff file in our C Panel, which solved the problem.
But I don’t know if you can use that .diff file

CS-Cart support replied saying this is not a known problem in my version of CS-Cart. It’s only a problem in Multi-Vendor. So frustrating.

Our problem was in CS-Cart Ultimate.

I don’t know where you are located, but in the Netherlands, we have Buckaroo Payment (with CS-Cart add-on).
Maybe an option?

I am in the US. I have been trying to research Braintree Payments, but it seems that it was bought out by PayPal, so I’m having some trouble figuring out how to sign up for it and whether or not it would really help me. If I go that route I’ll need to purchase a third party add on. At this point I’m actively seeking to leave CS-Cart for another platform, but Kingsley Press is a side hustle for me, so it will take me several months to make any kind of transition.

Did you contact the Stripe Helpdesk? 2nd line Helpdesk?
They found our problem, and gave us a text with the problem for CS-Cart, CS-Cart later helped us.

I did not. I’m going on the assumption this is a bug in CS-Cart and they should fix it.

CS-Cart is saying it’s not a bug. Only way they fix it is if I pay for their support. That is not happening. So like I said above, I will be moving on to a different platform as soon as I can.

I would like to point out that you didn’t provide any instructions in the ticket that would allow us to reproduce the issue in a clean installation. We have checked the issue on basic scenarios and were not able to reproduce it.

The problem has been found. @cscartrocks made me an offer I couldn’t refuse–he would investigate the problem on my server and if he found the issue and resolved it, I would pay him a modest fee. If he was not able to resolve it, he would not charge me. Awesome! He found the problem. I had set up Apple Pay and Google Pay payment methods using Stripe, but later disabled them. Those two disabled payment methods were causing Stripe webhook hits, so that’s why I was getting three emails per order, and inventory deducted three times per order. The solution was to delete those payment methods, rather then disabling them. I have now deleted them and the problem has gone away. Kudos to @cscartrocks for helping me figure this out.


I would like to highlight that we have examined the described issue with all the details provided, and still were not able to reproduce the issue within the fresh CS-Cart installation.

However, I do have one assumption: if you were upgrading your installation from a very old times, and to be more specific, some time ago you have upgraded your store to 4.9.1, then it might be that the tweak that was added in that version is missing in your installation. So the fix for the issue with orders changing their status multiple times, which is based on the tweak released back then, is not working.

Please check if these lines are present in the config.local.php file in your installation:

// Lock backend
// Available backends: database, redis, dummy
// To disable locks use dummy provider
$config['lock_backend'] = 'database';
$config['lock_redis_server'] = 'localhost';
$config['lock_redis_server_password'] = null;

Those lines are not in my config file.
I usually install updates as they become available.