We created a vendor in China. The vendor does not use fulfillment.
(Currently, delivery is impossible even if you use a warehouse using fulfillment.
Previous article Warehoses addon do not work)
The vendor’s address is written in China.
Store front is Korea.
China vendor have fedex shipping method
The backend log shows success.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”>SOAP-ENV:Header/SOAP-ENV:BodySUCCESSSUCCESS
However, customers will not be able to collect this shipping cost at checkout.
from china shipping to other country is no problem.
ex) shipping to the us works
(Even though FedEx calculates correctly)
but Can not shipping to storefront country.
It’s really hard to figure out why this keeps happening.