I accept credit card and Apple Pay via Stripe - using the individual options available when configuring Stripe’s payment type. I’m not using Stripe Checkout.
Any time a customer pays via credit card, or Apple Pay, upon completing the payment, the cart is not emptied - and the customer is NOT directed to the Order Landing Page (dispatch = checkout.complete).
They do get a notification message that pops up. The order status is updated as Paid, and a payment type and transaction ID are in the order.
I also offer customers PayPal (via the PayPal Complete payment method), those transactions clear the cart and direct the customer to the Order Landing Page upon a successful transaction.
Is there some setting in Stripe that needs to be configured? I’m new to Stripe and I may have overlooked something config in my Stripe account.
I should mention that I’m NOT using a multi-vendor store.
The webhook form at Stripe looks like this:
I have the option to add “checkout.session.completed” to the webhook events to send. Is this what I have to do? Like this:

It looks like CS-Cart has no handler set up for “checkout.session.completed”.
So I don’t think adding that webhook event is going to do anything.
Which version are you using?
Could you please check if a customer was redirected to the dispatch=payment_notification.success&payment=stripe
from Stripe’s side?
I’m on CS-Cart Store Builder 4.18.3 - I keep up to date, but this problem existed prior to the latest update. I implemented Stripe as a payment method in September and saw it right away.
I don’t know where to look to see if a customer is redirected to the payment_notification.success dispatch. I think it’s safe to say they are not. I delete the carts that remain live after every Stripe credit card and Apple Pay payment, and when testing the Apple Pay payment method option in Stripe I was not directed to the Order Confirmation page.
Thanks for the details!
I’ve found the issue in our internal bug tracker which is close enough to the problem you describe. I’m afraid it hasn’t been fixed yet, but the developers are working on it.