Order stays in Open status when payed by Stripe

My all orders get status OPEN not PAID after stripe payment.

I was unable to reproduce this issue. Please provide a step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce it.


Not sure how to provide step-by-step instruction. Simple pay using stripe addon and you’ll get order with status OPEN.
Is it possible issue with webhook respond? As per previous picture and adding one more below.


In your screenshot I can see that the webhook received a 301 (Moved permanently) response from the server. So it’s definitely not working as expected. Please contact us on this case via Help Desk.

We also have this issue. But it’s not all orders it’s just some orders. Maybe 1 in 5 remain in open status and we have to manually check with stripe and approve orders. It would be nice to get a fix because this other user isn’t imagining it.

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Are you using Unitheme Alexbranding?

Yes we are using Unitheme2

Us impacted AB: Indexation addon, but we keep monitoring.

Thanks for reporting this error… Thought we are the only ones having this issue… some orders get paid, and then the status change to open. … we had to manually change it back to Paid

I had some issues with webhooks from Stripe.
I ended up deleting all the development webhooks and keeping only the most recent webhook endpoint and it solved my issues.