My top menu is gone

Can anyone help me? I just noticed my top menu is gone. Before I left the PC it whas there. After that it’s gone. I have no ideae to get it back. Is available in blocks, css is still there.

Products and categroies are active.

Also noticed that blocks pages also has issues.

Getting abit freaked out here. Something is wrong and I can’t find it!

I have V3.


I saw this on the forum: For what are setup localizations??? - Configuration - CS-Cart Community Forums

I had to change all to new localization. And it's now active again.

WOW. But it's solved.


If you don't mind, I do not understand what it is that you did wrong for the top menu to disappear and what it is you did to make it appear again…

See, I have this exact same problem and I'm pulling my hair to find a solution… Top menu and main banner disappeared all of a sudden, can't seem to find why and how to solve it !!


OK Solved, me too! :)

I don’t understand why,… but I had to disable the “localization” and then everything got back to normal…

I find out that you can set rules for which items you can sell to what country. If some atricles are forbidden to sell in country X. Than you can choose for localization. Than you can rule out sales for country X.