Is CS-Cart haunted?

My site has been running slowly and my host had a good look.
My site is now running well but a mystery surrounds it.

From my host support.

I see that the image itself:

Is present on the server, however in different sizes:

[jameshou@sgpro1 public_html]$ find . -name s-l1600_16_785f7969-42dc-4c80-a80d-a6523f2d0af5.jpg

You can tell by the directories in which they are located. That being said, as the image is present in a couple of different sizes that leads me to believe that it is caused in one of two things:

  1. It requires a little more time to generate all sizes for each image. As there is a large number of images, it could take some time;
  2. There is a setting within the module that determines the sizes for the generated images.

That being said, if you like, I can have a look at the module’s settings for you, to see if I can find anything. I would just require access to the backend of your website.


While reviewing, I will also check to see if the above image has reappeared either by some changes or by itself (confirming the first theory).

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Best Regards,

Technical Support Team
I hope this finds you well.

I have been looking into the matter regarding the thumbnails and the 404 error pages. And I have good and not so good news.

The good news is that I found out how to resolve it and now most (could not confirm if all) of the thumbnails are working properly:

And the Lazy Loading setting is currently enabled as well.

Now the not so good news is that, I am firstly not able to confirm that everything is working. But also, am unable to tell why it is working.

Basically, what I was able to find out during my tests is that if the image is reporting 404, it is not physically present on the server as a file. In that directory for the respective dimensions, as I mentioned in my previous reply. Now, the interesting part is that, upon disabling the Lazy Loading, the images appear both on the website and on the server in the correct directory.

Even more odd, is that upon re-enabling the Lazy Loading option the images do not disappear but remain active. I have recorded you a video where the same is seen. In the video, I am showing you a place where the thumbnail is missing, and after disabling Lazy Loading and clearing the cache the same reappears. After that, I have re-enabled the Lazy Loading and once again cleared the cache and the thumbnail and image stayed active and present.

Womens :: New :: Dresses - 21 February 2023 | Loom

I am not sure why this is happening, however, I had to repeat it a couple of times until I was no longer able to find missing images. Still, there is a good chance that such issues are still present, so feel free to edit the config file and clear the cache of your website afterwards.

You can also discuss the matter with the module’s developer and see what they can add to the matter at hand. If anything is required from the server end, you can let me know and I will look into it.

We remain at your disposal.

Best Regards,

Technical Support Team

This is going to depend a lot on theme and add-ons of your implementation.

You can generally expect the image you uploaded to be present, as well as anyscaling from any compression in the back-end as well as add-ons. There will be renderings for main display image as well as for thumbnails.

You have related increased server load when uploading images and server when schedulled CRON jobs running (if any).

These images shouldn’t be continually regenerated but you will notice slower page loading. on first visits and after clearing cache.

There is no mistery there:)

Different devices with different screens sizes and different proportions are visiting your store. For each different screen, different size of image thumbnails are required, so they are being generated and stored into the /images/thumbnails/[width]/[height]/ folder.

So once they are generated, they are available via a direct link, regardless of whether the lazy_thumbnails tweak is enabled or not - they are already generated and available. In case when thumbnails have not been generated yet (or thumbnails were cleared), their generation will take place:

  • Along with the page generation, increasing total time spent on page generation, if lazy_thumbnails tweak is disabled.
  • Separately, once the page is displayed to the customer of your store, thumbnails will be generated on the fly, if lazy_thumbnails tweak is enabled.

As I have already mentioned in this topic Redirecting missing images to index.php instead of page **404** - #2 by CS-Cart_team, you need to contact your server administrators / hosting support and ask them to set up your web server that way, that it will forward the incoming requests to the missing images, directly to the CS-Cart index.php script.

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Not an option on my shared hosting.