Checkout Image missing

Hello - for some reason I cant view the checkout image as per my screen shot - I am running CSCart 3.05 as my testing copy any idea what's the cause of this .


I'm sure I posted on a thread about this same problem a few days ago…

Yep, I did. Here it is…cart and checkout buttons disappeared

Thanks StellarBytes - but I figure it out I have uncheck

[color=#5F5F5F][font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana,]Redirect customer to the cart contents page if non-AJAX addition to a cart is used:[/font][/color]

[color=#5F5F5F][font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana,]When the customer clicks on any Checkout button/link in the store, redirect to the Cart content page first:[/font][/color]

[color=#5F5F5F][font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana,]In Settings-General[/font][/color]