Buttons gone

Hey! I changed a few things recently and i don't really remember when and why my buttons “View Cart” and “Checkout” from “My Cart” drop menu gone.

Look at the attached picture. So how can i get my buttons back?

I also have another question. I want to put a slider with products on product page bellow product description. So how can i retrieve a current product (main) category and then also retrieve for example 5 products (product url, title, thumbnail, price etc.) from this same category.

I like CS cart so far but on the other side you can't really get informations about customization and stuff like that. Otherwise i am pretty satisfy with cs cart so far.

Based on the default structure unless you are using hooks for your layout, in /skins/your_skin/customer/blocks/cart_content.tpl (will be /stores/#/skins/skin_name/customer/blocks/cart_content.tpl where # is the store ID if using CS-Cart Ultimate), make sure the following is declared:

{if $block.properties.display_bottom_buttons == "Y"}

{if $settings.General.checkout_redirect != "Y"}



If it is there, make sure /skins/your_skin/customer/buttons/button.tpl contains:


{assign var=“dropdown_id” value=$block.snapping_id}

{assign var=“r_url” value=$config.current_url|escape:url}

{hook name=“checkout:cart_content”}

{hook name="wrapper:onclick_dropdown_title"}
{if $smarty.session.cart.amount}

{$smarty.session.cart.amount} {$lang.items} {$lang.for} {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$smarty.session.cart.display_subtotal}


{hook name="checkout:minicart"}

{if $smarty.session.cart.amount}

{hook name="index:cart_status"}
{assign var="_cart_products" value=$smarty.session.cart.products|array_reverse:true}
{foreach from=$_cart_products key="key" item="p" name="cart_products"}
{if !$p.extra.parent}

{if $block.properties.products_links_type == "thumb"}


{if $block.properties.display_delete_icons == "Y"}


{include file="common_templates/image.tpl" image_width="40" image_height="40" images=$p.main_pair show_thumbnail="Y" no_ids=true} {$p.product_id|fn_get_product_name|unescape}

{$p.amount} x {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$p.display_price span_id="price_`$key`_`$dropdown_id`" class="none"}

{if (!"CHECKOUT"|defined || $force_items_deletion) && !$p.extra.exclude_from_calculate}{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_href="checkout.delete.from_status?cart_id=`$key`&redirect_url=`$r_url`" but_meta="cm-ajax cm-ajax-full-render" but_rev="cart_status*" but_role="delete" but_name="delete_cart_item"}{/if}






Ok i find out. I turn it back on in “design->blocks->cart content->Display bottom buttons”

Thanks for suggestion by the way. I also found a solution for displaying some other products in same category in a slider. I just have some problems with product thumbnail creation. They are i guess generated on the fly and i must generate it on the fly too if it doesn't exist yet but some of the pictures are generated in strange ratio.