301 redirects diff file

regards the post below by @thetool and @CS-Cart_team I have 7000 301 redirects created with most like this, is there any way I can delte them in bulk.
I cant reply in that thread, it has been closed ?

If you have other legitimate redirects, you will unfortunately have to go through the list and pick and choose.

I didn’t have other legitimate redirects so I have been deleting the list in bulk throughout the years.

Thanks for your comment.

I’ve created the script that seems to remove these duplicates and even tested it, but only with one duplicate :sweat_smile:

Please make a backup of the seo_redirects table. Then upload the following script to the root of your installation:

and run it from your browser. If something goes wrong, restore the backup.

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Great, thanks for the help

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Thanks, and I managed to remove some, but …

Is there anyway it can look at and remove duplicates like this
but remove this
https://www.myweb site/custom-printed-hi-vis-coat-yellow.html

Unfortunately, I didn’t understand what is required to be done. Could you please clarify?