Why do posts take so long to appear?

It takes hours for my posts to show up here. Are they moderated?


Thanks. I apologize for previous duplicate posts

Cs-cart moderated. If u say something not good to cs-cart, your post wouldn't approved.

[quote name='Siu Ling' timestamp='1308450095' post='115262']

Cs-cart moderated. If u say something not good to cs-cart, your post wouldn't approved.


Quite the opposite.

If you spam the old forums there was noway to tell if you were a spammer, already had one post approved or otherwise.

Personally I prefer negative/constructive feedback than positive praise.


[quote name='JesseLeeStringer' timestamp='1308456177' post='115266']

Quite the opposite.

If you spam the old forums there was noway to tell if you were a spammer, already had one post approved or otherwise.

Personally I prefer negative/constructive feedback than positive praise.



I got 1 post complaining trial-user can't post to other sub-forum but only to “Why Cs-cart” sub-forum

a few days ago. I didn't see it.

I said cs-cart non-pro and allow me to post only to why cs-cart because they want me to say

“Why cs-cart” so suck? Then later the forum's design changed and Trial user can post to others forum now.