Where Is The Feature Comparison?


im searching for the feature comparison.

The checkbox isnt in the extra section anymore


anyone else with the same problem?

Setttings->General->Allow customers to compare products:

Setttings->General->Allow customers to compare products:

This is allready checked.

But you need to check the comparison feature in every product, too.

But the checkbox is gone.

cscart 4.4.3

I don't use this feature but it looks like it might be a bug because it's not available in the demo either.


im searching for the feature comparison.
The checkbox isnt in the extra section anymore

anyone else with the same problem?


The behavior changed, but the article wasn't updated. I've added rewriting this article to my to-do list. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Once you enable feature comparison as The Tool described, customers will be able to add any products to comparison list. A feature will appear on the comparison list if that feature has any of these checkboxes ticked:

• Show on the Features tab
• Show in product list
• Show in header on the product details page

You can find these checkboxes when you edit any feature under Products → Features.