Where Is The Css Selector That Determines The Size Of Brand Logo On Store Front Brands Carousel ?

My logo's of the brands in the store front carousel appears to be set to a ration of 75 x 75 px and it is referred to brands feature variants logo's

Or just check this screenshot


75x75 pixels is just way too small for my liking.

My logo's of the brands in the store front carousel appears to be set to a ration of 75 x 75 px and it is referred to brands feature variants logo's

Or just check this screenshot


75x75 pixels is just way too small for my liking.

Hello! You should go to settings page of brands block in admin area and change the thumbnails width setting http://joxi.ru/YmEY4wjsZ06KRm

Hello! You should go to settings page of brands block in admin area and change the thumbnails width setting http://joxi.ru/YmEY4wjsZ06KRm

Thanks, I overlooked that option.