Want to learn to code?

W3 Schools has a beautiful step by step online tutorial, with a sandbox at each step so you can practice coding yourself and see the results instantly. You can start at the beginning and they assume zero knowledge, i.e., this is what “html” stands for, and what that means. Or just learn more advanced skills. It’s free too. IMO, they are the absolute bomb!


(BTW, ever wonder why some html docs have the extension “.html” and others have “.htm”? The .htm extension is a legacy from the past when only 3-letter extensions were allowed. Both are now acceptable. I learned that in lesson 1.:slight_smile: )



[quote name=‘joe’]than…than…thank…thanks…[/QUOTE]

I know YOU don’t need it, Joe.

BTW, the CS-Cart homepage contains only one teeny bit of xhtml-invalid code:

[QUOTE]line 73

CS-Cart: powerful shopping cart software[COLOR=“Red”] &[/COLOR] ecommerce solutions


the ampersand is unescaped and should be “&.” (Your competitor’s website has 29 errors…some of them fairly serious.)

Truly, “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” isn’t it? :wink:

[quote name=‘Healthy Pets’]

the ampersand is unescaped and should be “&.” (Your competitor’s website has 29 errors…some of them fairly serious.)

Truly, “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” isn’t it? ;)[/quote]

A little knowledge is what creates hell on earth for most people. I just charge to fix it :wink:

btw, ampersands is always going to be an issue depending on how the code is complied and viewed.