Vendors are Customers, too

I suppose this post is more feedback than anything, but we’ve had this issue for a long time and I wonder if others do as well. I’d love to know if anyone knows of a way to easily deal with it.

Our vendors shop in our store (we sell digital art). In other words, they are also customers. We need to be able to set up promotions especially for them, such as a discount for team members.

It would be so helpful if we could:

  • select other types of “user groups” in conditions when setting up a promotion rather than only customer groups (such as the vendor group(s) used for our vendor administrators)

  • select vendor administrator accounts using the “users” condition in promotions

  • manually create orders for vendor administrators just like any other customer (you CANNOT do this now; it does not find the account)

If anyone has figured out a work around for this (other than requiring all vendors to have a separate customer account), I’d love to know. Thanks!!


Greetings, angeltown!

We offer our services in development of such functionality for you.
If interested, please copy your description to and we will estimate the development in 1-2 business days.

Best regards,

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Thanks for the feedback!

I have passed it on to the product managers.

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