Vendor shipping unable to be disabeled

MVE 16.1

Attempted to turn off shipping methods and the vendor is still able to not only view them but also create them.

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Sorry, but I was unable to reproduce this issue. Please provide additional details.

@Undercover was this in response to a topic you started? (I answered someones question saying this was how to do it, whomever that was said it didn’t work, then I tried it and agreed that it didn’t work so I raised this bug … but now I can’t find the original topic thread?)

Yes that was me. The original topic is at the bottom of this thread Meet CS-Cart 4.18.1 with a revamped admin panel and an upgraded PayPal Checkout experience - #39 by chickentwisty

In version 4.18.1 vendor panel configurator does not hide the shipping creation feature for vendors. Vendors are still able to create their own shipping methods despite the feature being disabled by admin.

@undercover thankyou! @CS-Cart_team please see above post for additional information as requested.

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I think I found the issue. Vendor configurator only affects features on the vendor product creation page. So hiding shipping property actually works, vendors won’t see it when creating or editing a product.
The actual shipping settings for vendors (shipping method creation) is buried in the vendor settings.
Cs-cart should add some ways of disabling shipping creation for vendors. This way vendors can see available shipping methods and can only use those.