vendor selling of digital products - trial site or problem?

I am in the middle of testing out the multi-vendor trial of CS-Cart. I just setup a dumy vendor and a dummy customer to buy their digital product. When the email with the purchase arrived it did not contain the file but it did contain a .png file that says demo store. If this was a full install would the demostore.png be replaced by the file that is supposed to be sent to the customer? If not, where is the customer supposed to go to get their file(s)?

assuming that the demostore.png is just filler, where does a customer go to get their file? Does it make it any difference if they are a guest purchaser or do they need to be registered?

I found my own answer, the link was in the first order email. Now my question is how does a vendor go about resending a link if there if a customer needs a second copy.

Is there a way to force all d/l files to include a second file that states the terms of the sale without the vendor having to do the work themselves?