Vendor Pages In Vendor Homepage Block Issue

I have made a new block called "Vendor Info" and placed it on the "Vendor Store" layout page. I used the template "text links" and filing "vendor pages". I was under the impression that when vendors add cms pages these new pages show up on the block on each vendors store front page. This seems to work correctly when I visit the store front of the vendor who has added cms pages. The issue I am having is when I visit another vendors homepage who has no cms pages the previous vendors cms pages are showing up. Is this a bug or how it works? Seems useless if other vendors cms pages are showing up on every vendors homepage. Also, when I clear the cache the cms pages for that vendor no longer show up on every vendors homepage. The issue returns when I visit the vendor who has cms pages on their homepage. Weird?

I'm not quite sure since I don't use it. But thoughts are that you may need to create this block for each vendor (while in the context of that vendor). It sounds like you created this as the site admin while in company_id==0 (all companies) mode. You also might examine the template itself and ensure that it is looking at the content conditional upon company_id == current company_id.

Ok. I will check it out. Thank you!

The issue can be also in cache. Try to clear cache and check. If the list will be renewed, this is a bug. Contact support team and ask them to fix the issue

Thank you. It seems to be a bug. I will report it.