VAT include only or VAT exclude only


CS Pro 2.1.2

Estimate taxes using default address on cart/checkout pages : TRUE (can’t be done on demo CS website)

Display prices with taxes on category/product pages if the method of calculating taxes is based on a unit’s price : TRUE (can’t be done on demo CS website)

Display prices with taxes on cart/checkout pages if the method of calculating taxes is based on a unit’s price : TRUE (can’t be done on demo CS website)

Tax : +20%


I would like to have all prices on the cart with VAT include (our country) or VAT exclude (export). I don’t understand why it’s not on the factory software, VAT is basic function of a commercial or e-commercial software!!! CS-Cart…:confused:

Somes prices never adds VAT on store front :shock: , like “List price”, “You save”, and estimate shipping cost block when the country must be taxable.

Only “Price” add correcltly the estimating the taxe,and total is OK

Can Anyone say me what is this variables ?:










Or anyone can help me to change this part of code on …/skins/myskin/customer/common_templates/products_data.tpl ?

With Tax : +20%, like this :

I would like to have ALL PRICES vat include if necessary like :

List price: $420 inc vat

Price: $383,98 inc vat

You save: $36.01 (9%) inc vat

or ALL PRICES vat exclude if necessary

List price: $350.00 exc vat

Price: $319.99 exc vat

You save: $30.01 (9%) exc vat

{********************** Old Price *****************}<br />
{capture name="old_price_`$obj_id`"}<br />
	{if $show_price_values && $show_old_price}<br />
		{if $ || $product.list_discount}<br />
		<span class="cm-reload-{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}" id="old_price_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}"><br />
			<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_price_values]" value="{$show_price_values}" /><br />
			<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_old_price]" value="{$show_old_price}" /><br />
			{if $}<br />
				<span class="list-price nowrap" id="line_old_price_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}">{if $details_page}{$lang.old_price}: {/if}<strike>{include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.original_price|default:$product.base_price span_id="old_price_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`" class="list-price nowrap"}</strike></span><br />
			{elseif $product.list_discount}<br />
				<span class="list-price nowrap" id="line_list_price_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}">{if $details_page}{$lang.list_price}: {/if}<strike>{include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.list_price span_id="list_price_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`" class="list-price nowrap"}</strike></span><br />
			{/if}<br />
		<!--old_price_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}--></span><br />
		{/if}<br />
	{/if}<br />
{/capture}<br />
{if $no_capture}<br />
	{assign var="capture_name" value="old_price_`$obj_id`"}<br />
	{$smarty.capture.$capture_name}<br />
{/if}<br />
<br />
{********************** Price *********************}<br />
{capture name="price_`$obj_id`"}<br />
	<span class="cm-reload-{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id} price-update" id="price_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}"><br />
		<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_price_values]" value="{$show_price_values}" /><br />
		<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_price]" value="{$show_price}" /><br />
		{if $show_price_values}<br />
			{if $show_price}<br />
			{hook name="products:prices_block"}<br />
				{if $product.price|floatval || $product.zero_price_action == "P" || ($hide_add_to_cart_button == "Y" && $product.zero_price_action == "A")}<br />
					<span class="price{if !$product.price|floatval} hidden{/if}" id="line_discounted_price_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}">{if $details_page}{$lang.price}: {/if}{include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.price span_id="discounted_price_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`" class="price"}</span><br />
				{elseif $product.zero_price_action == "A"}<br />
					{assign var="base_currency" value=$currencies[$smarty.const.CART_PRIMARY_CURRENCY]}<br />
					<span class="price">{$lang.enter_your_price}: {if $base_currency.after != "Y"}{$base_currency.symbol}{/if}<input class="input-text-short" type="text" size="3" name="product_data[{$obj_id}][price]" value="" />{if $base_currency.after == "Y"} {$base_currency.symbol}{/if}</span><br />
				{elseif $product.zero_price_action == "R"}<br />
					<span class="price">{$lang.contact_us_for_price}</span><br />
				{/if}<br />
			{/hook}<br />
			{/if}<br />
		{elseif $settings.General.allow_anonymous_shopping == "P" && !$auth.user_id}<br />
			<span class="price">{$lang.sign_in_to_view_price}</span><br />
		{/if}<br />
	<!--price_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}--></span><br />
{/capture}<br />
{if $no_capture}<br />
	{assign var="capture_name" value="price_`$obj_id`"}<br />
	{$smarty.capture.$capture_name}<br />
{/if}<br />
<br />
{******************* Clean Price ******************}<br />
{capture name="clean_price_`$obj_id`"}<br />
	{if $show_price_values && $show_clean_price && $settings.Appearance.show_prices_taxed_clean == "Y" && $product.taxed_price}<br />
		<span class="cm-reload-{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}" id="clean_price_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}"><br />
			<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_price_values]" value="{$show_price_values}" /><br />
			<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_clean_price]" value="{$show_clean_price}" /><br />
			{if $product.clean_price != $product.taxed_price && $product.included_tax}<br />
				<span class="list-price nowrap" id="line_product_price_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}">({include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.taxed_price span_id="product_price_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`" class="list-price nowrap"} {$lang.inc_tax})</span><br />
			{elseif $product.clean_price != $product.taxed_price && !$product.included_tax}<br />
				<span class="list-price nowrap">({$lang.including_tax})</span><br />
			{/if}<br />
		<!--clean_price_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}--></span><br />
	{/if}<br />
{/capture}<br />
{if $no_capture}<br />
	{assign var="capture_name" value="clean_price_`$obj_id`"}<br />
	{$smarty.capture.$capture_name}<br />
{/if}<br />
<br />
{********************** You Save ******************}<br />
{capture name="list_discount_`$obj_id`"}<br />
	{if $show_price_values && $show_list_discount && $details_page}<br />
		{if $ || $product.list_discount}<br />
			<span class="cm-reload-{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}" id="line_discount_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}"><br />
				<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_price_values]" value="{$show_price_values}" /><br />
				<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_list_discount]" value="{$show_list_discount}" /><br />
				{if $}<br />
					<span class="list-price nowrap" id="line_discount_value_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}">{$lang.you_save}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$ span_id="discount_value_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`" class="list-price nowrap"} (<span id="prc_discount_value_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}" class="list-price nowrap">{$product.discount_prc}</span>%)</span><br />
				{elseif $product.list_discount}<br />
					<span class="list-price nowrap" id="line_discount_value_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}">{$lang.you_save}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.list_discount span_id="discount_value_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`" class="list-price nowrap"} (<span id="prc_discount_value_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}" class="list-price nowrap">{$product.list_discount_prc}</span>%)</span><br />
				{/if}<br />
			<!--line_discount_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}--></span><br />
		{/if}<br />
	{/if}<br />
{/capture}<br />
{if $no_capture}<br />
	{assign var="capture_name" value="list_discount_`$obj_id`"}<br />
	{$smarty.capture.$capture_name}<br />
{/if}<br />
<br />
{************************************ Discount label ****************************}<br />
{capture name="discount_label_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`"}<br />
	{if $show_discount_label && ($product.discount_prc || $product.list_discount_prc) && $show_price_values}<br />
		<div class="discount-label cm-reload-{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}" id="discount_label_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}"><br />
			<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_discount_label]" value="{$show_discount_label}" /><br />
			<input type="hidden" name="appearance[show_price_values]" value="{$show_price_values}" /><br />
			<div id="line_prc_discount_value_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}"><br />
				<em><strong>-</strong><span id="prc_discount_value_label_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}">{if $}{$product.discount_prc}{else}{$product.list_discount_prc}{/if}</span>%</em><br />
			</div><br />
		<!--discount_label_update_{$obj_prefix}{$obj_id}--></div><br />
	{/if}<br />
{/capture}<br />
{if $no_capture}<br />
	{assign var="capture_name" value="discount_label_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`"}<br />
	{$smarty.capture.$capture_name}<br />
```<br />
<br />
<br />
And on blocks prices, qty prices,etc....<br />
<br />
Please.<br />
Best<br />
<br />

Ohh wow again a problem with VAT, when i can remember correctly we have get the last versions everytime problems with VAT.

Is this really necessary ? Only checkout and invoice should reflect this info or am I wrong?


Yes it’s very important to have exact prices online.

Best I can say on this is to DO NOT USE list price.

Set just the price field and all tax works fine then…at least for me anyaways.20% on

Sub total



here is my solution for this. We’re from Germany (prices must be with tax) and we also sell to Switzerland ( the prices must be displayed without tax, the people from Switzerland have to pay customs duty)


All prices must be stored as net price (without tax). We changed all prices with an SQL-Update (19 is the tax rate):

update cscart_product_prices set price = price/1,19

  1. Create location(s) for the countrie(s) where no tax to display, and location(s) for the rest of the countries

  2. create two taxes (Shipping/taxes), in our case one with and one without taxes (Price includes tax).

  3. Assign all two taxes to all products

  4. Assign the taxes to the shipping methods

    This worked, but with a disfigurement. The (normal) prices incl. taxes are smaller and in brackets than the net price and the net price was above the price with tax → this is not allowed in Germany!

    We had to change our /cs-cart/skins/YOURSKIN/customer/common_templates/product_data.tpl :


    Look for {if $product.included_tax…

    There are no Localizations necessary for this solution!

    For us it works.:slight_smile:

Hi Lexies,

very nice and thank you very much for this solution. We are in germany too. Is it possible that you can send me you personal skype ID that i can contact you for this issue directly?

thank you very much!