Upgrade From SP4

[COLOR=“Purple”]I installed the upgrade in a sub-directory & did everything to the letter for the DB upgrade, and after it was all done I received the following errors. Now I cannot access admin anymore for I get a bunch of errors there as well. Any idea what went wrong ?


Database error: Table ‘affyours_artcart.cscart_addons’ doesn’t exist (1146)

Invalid query: SELECT addon, IF(status = ‘A’,options,‘’) as options, status FROM cscart_addons ORDER BY priority


File: /home/affyours/public_html/artstyle/upgrade_cart/core/fn.database.php

Line: 233

Function: db_error

File: /home/affyours/public_html/artstyle/upgrade_cart/core/fn.database.php

Line: 57

Function: db_query

File: /home/affyours/public_html/artstyle/upgrade_cart/core/fn.control.php

Line: 132

Function: db_get_hash_array

File: /home/affyours/public_html/artstyle/upgrade_cart/upgrade135sp4-205.php

Line: 228

Function: fn_init_addons

The database export did not contain the table “cscart_addons”

I should mention that it makes more difference upgrading to 2.0.6

[quote name=‘JesseLeeStringer’]The database export did not contain the table “cscart_addons”

I should mention that it makes more difference upgrading to 2.0.6[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=“Purple”]What do I need to do then ? I am going with the 2.0.6…



[quote name=‘DawnG’][COLOR=Purple][/COLOR]

Function: db_get_hash_array

File: /home/affyours/public_html/artstyle/upgrade_cart/[COLOR=Red]upgrade135sp4-205.php[/COLOR]

Line: 228

Function: fn_init_addons[/quote]

[quote name=‘DawnG’][COLOR=Purple]What do I need to do then ? I am going with the [COLOR=Red]2.0.6…[/COLOR]



Obviously not

[quote name=‘JesseLeeStringer’]Obviously not[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=“Purple”]I am not sure what you mean by that…

This is the file provided to upgrade the DB so I can import it into the 2.0 version…

My host helped me, and we overcame the problem…


You were attempting to upgrade to 2.0.6 with the 1.3.5sp4 to 2.0.5 script.

Obviously the file system would not recognise the 2.0.6 filesystem when you are using a 2.0.5 upgrade path

[quote name=‘JesseLeeStringer’]You were attempting to upgrade to 2.0.6 with the 1.3.5sp4 to 2.0.5 script.

Obviously the file system would not recognise the 2.0.6 filesystem when you are using a 2.0.5 upgrade path[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=“Purple”]I was just following instructions from either Maria or Kate at CS cart. They told me that the only way to update the DB to 2.x was to use the DB upgrade on my account page. They didn’t specify which 2.x it was for, and led me to believe it was what I needed to upgrade at all. My host waved his magic wand & all was fixed[/COLOR] :wink: