Unable to receive thread notifications

I am unable to receive thread notifications and pm notifications.

Until recently I always received an email for subscribed threads and pms.

Now for some reason I no longer do.

Any ideas?

I checked my cp and all seems to be ok with the correct boxes checked.

Are you sure your email is entered correctly?

[quote name=‘joe’]Are you sure your email is entered correctly?[/quote]

Hi Joe,

Thank you.

Yes, my email is correct - I used to get messages and thread notices without a problem. Now without making changes they have stopped.

I just logged in and changed my email address maybe it will start working again.

Recheck you setting in the User CP to make sure they have not changed.

Also, list your subscriptions to see if they are listed. If they are not, you will need to subscribe to any threads again.


[quote name=‘jobosales’]Recheck you setting in the User CP to make sure they have not changed.

Also, list your subscriptions to see if they are listed. If they are not, you will need to subscribe to any threads again.


Good ideas - thank you.

Meanwhile changing my email address seemed to refresh my settings and now I am getting thread notifications again.

Sometimes the easy solutions are the best - like turning a computer on and off.