Unable to add categories or pages

When I try to add a category to my store, I receive the following error message:

Database error: Incorrect integer value: ‘’ for column ‘product_columns’ at row 1 (1366)

Invalid query: INSERT INTO cscart_categories (parent_id, status, usergroup_ids, position, timestamp, age_verification, age_limit, default_layout, selected_layouts, product_columns) VALUES (‘0’, ‘A’, ‘0’, ‘10’, ‘1272484800’, ‘N’, ‘0’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’)

I also receive the ‘Incorrect integer value’ when I try to add a page.

I’m using the latest version and would appreciate any help.


Stephen Broadbent

After reading up on this it appears to be a problem with MySql5 on Windows and strict mode. Strict mode doesn’t appear to be enabled so I’ll look some more into it.

This is now sorted, I was looking in the wrong mysql.ini file…

It was indeed to do with STRICT mode.