Try Version 4.16.1 Before Release

We have released version 4.16.1 Beta. It will be useful to:

  • add-on and theme developers—they can test their products in advance to prepare for 4.16.1;
  • the merchants who are interested to see how the new version will work, and what they’ll have to do during the upgrade.

The full list of changes is very long, so we left it in the changelog and in the post-upgrade notifications. We also have an article about technical changes for developers.

The best way to try 4.16.1 Beta is to upgrade from the previous version:

  1. Make sure that your store runs on 4.15.2.

  2. Create a dev copy of your store. Make sure to close the storefront. It is a requirement for a dev copy, while you are still using your own key.

Don’t upgrade your live store to 4.16.1 Beta—there won’t be an upgrade from the 4.16.1 Beta to the final 4.16.1 release.

  1. In your test copy, go to Settings → Licensing mode and change the key to the one that matches your product:
  • CS-Cart Store Builder: CS-BETA-F1DS-B4B2-7QHS-YQW0
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor: MV-ULT-BETA-E621-LG57-4DB3-ZTG8

These keys will only have one upgrade: from 4.15.2 to 4.16.1. Once the testing is over, we will disable these keys. When you enter and save them, you’ll no longer need to keep the storefront closed. But it’s best to open in after step 4.

  1. Install the upgrade. After the upgrade you’ll see notifications about the changes. They’ll tell you what to do and check next.

If you can’t upgrade a test copy for any reason, you’ll still be able to try 4.16.1 as a new installation. Just download Store Builder 4.16.1 Beta or Multi-Vendor 4.16.1 Beta and use the corresponding keys provided above.

Feel free to discuss 4.16.1 Beta and everything related to it in this topic.


It’s bug


Should Mark all as read be displayed when there are no notifications?

Missing currency symbol.

Right align price column.


Improve thumbnail resolution.

1 Like

@themehills, @nmb, thank you both! We’ll try to fix those issues before the final release.

P.S. Here’s a rundown of the problems:

  • Downloaded add-ons ([n]) will definitely be fixed in the final release. So is the currency symbol and typos in Help Section (those we can fix on the fly).

  • “Mark as read” does appear even when there are no notifications. We didn’t add a separate condition for its disappearing; if there’re no notifications, there’s little reason no click the bell icon. This behavior may or may not be changed before 4.16.1 release.

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In the Blocks search, there are 2 HTML block with Smarty support entries in the dropdown. Should the old one be marked as deprecated?

<option value="smarty_block">HTML block with Smarty support</option>
<option value="safe_smarty_block">HTML block with Smarty support</option>



Product Reviews video is the default video on non-related sections. It is better to disable Videos than be misleading of possible related videos.

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Still, no option to remove the shipping method from checkout …
Still, no option to add a single shipping method and remove manual calculation of shipping if you have a standard shipping fee for all products …

When will be released the new version 4.16?

Also when will be released the cs-cart V5 version that will be completely redesigned? is there any chance to try the new V5 version?


Most probably, 4.16.1 will be released tomorrow.

As for the CS-Cart Enterprise (it is no longer called as CS-Cart 5), please check the following page for the details:

I have a 2 question, did cs-cart changed business model? I remember very clearly that before you could buy multi-vendor, but now it’s subscribe model? why is that?

for example my needs is buy it and build the marketplace and own the license. incase in future I need to move/change domain/server, I want to do it by myself. why I have to subscribe and pay for that?

before it was clearly known as buy license, now subscribe to the license. what will happens if I will have to stop subscribing?

Second question is, the enterprise version(cs-cart 5), I don’t see any information related to release, test it, download it, or whatever. Also I have entered my hotmail and gmail address, both declined, not accepted. still I did send request with a fake email address, but with the right domain address, and I did put note about that. how I can test the new version? when I can test it?

Please let me know, Thanks!

@maimai You do still own your Multi-Vendor license, which means that you’re free to move your store between servers and domains. The only change is that payment for the license is yearly, instead of one-time.

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Yes, starting from December, 2022, all the new licenses for Multi-Vendor Standard, Plus and Ultimate are available on subscription model only. You can check the following blog article for the details:

As for CS-Cart Enterprise, it is currently in MVP state and we continue to work on adding new functionality to it. Currently it is not available for downloading or testing for the wide public.

As for the email address, could you please let me know at what page you have tried to fill the form. Was it the one I have posted yesterday? I have checked the form by myself and could not reproduce any issues.

Also you can PM me with your email addresses? I will pass your contacts to the Presales Team, so they can get in touch with you.

There should be some difference if the payment is for 1 year only. what happens after that 1 year period time? do I still own the license and when needed can I change it’s domain/server? this is really important question.

There is no differences. As far as I know, CS-Cart designed this subscription system to be as similar to old one as possible. If you pay for the license every year, you’re free to do whatever you want with it (of course, within the limits of the license agreement).
If you stop paying, probably your license will be disabled and your store will stop functioning. But that’s something you should ask CS-Cart support about, to be sure about your license conditions.

That’s what I smell it. if you have unsubscribed then your website is illegal. before was if you have unsubscribed, you still own the license and your website is legal.

think like other side, like your company who develops addons for cs-cart, also can hard way to get clients too.

this is extremely expensive and I believe that cs-cart company won’t get much clients like before.

One of reason I am stick to cs-cart since few years and buying addons, learning, developing is, you pay once and own license. now you can’t do that and extremely expensive for long term.

I don’t know, this is not good model. probably it’s time to look for similar other platforms or what?

I was planning, developing a marketplace on cs-cart, and waiting to buy a multi-vendor license on the version 4.16, I am just shock right now. I could buy it if I knew it last year. not sure with current model and it’s not clear, which is confusing.

so much energy, time, money invested already, it’s gone.

I still own ultimate license and I did paid $160 to extend for another 1 year. as well thinking to buy a multi-vendor license on 4.16 version, but in this case, I won’t subscribe if they don’t sell the license.

We’re going off-topic here—the topic is about the upcoming now released version 4.16.1 and one of its features—but I’ll try to elaborate. After that, I might have to close the topic if it deviates too far, because version 4.16.1 is already released.

@maimai, you can PM @CS-Cart_team with the email address and the page where you used it, so that we could further investigate the problem.

First, the main question:

If you don’t prolong your subscription in time, the license will be suspended. Your marketplace stays on your server with all the data safe and secure. Once you prolong your subscription, the license is re-activated and you’ll be able to continue managing your marketplace.

There have been a lot more changes about the CS-Cart product line than just subscriptions. The overarching theme of those changes is “Launch fast, scale vast”. The goal was to provide solutions for any kind of business and budget. As evidenced by new products in our line, like CS-Cart Store Builder Free, and the cloud Multi-Vendor No-Code.

What we previously referred to as Multi-Vendor is now called “Multi-Vendor On-Premises”. The name focuses on its main advantage—the ability to host it on your own server and make modifications to the software according to your needs. It is subscription-based, except for Multi-Vendor Ultimate Unlimited, which is a lifetime purchase. More on that in the blog article that @CS-Cart_team posted earlier.

Subscriptions have some benefit to them:

  • A year of subscription costs less than a lifetime license. You can start the marketplace faster and cheaper. If the marketplace grows in a year, the subscription payment shouldn’t be a problem amid rising profits.

  • With a smaller price, a subscription still offers more than just the software. While you’re subscribed, you also get access to upgrades and Customer Care. You needn’t pay separately for them (unless you want premium Customer Care with extra services and online chat).

To us, an established money flow from subscriptions will allow us to invest more in partners, customer development, and business audits of your marketplaces. The subscription model prioritizes the success of your business.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide what platform is the best for your project. But we will do our best to keep our solution the most feature-rich and efficient for your projects.

Actually, there is a way to do both :slight_smile:

  1. Go to Administration > Shipping and taxes > Shipping methods. Leave only one shipping methods active. If you run a marketplace on Multi-Vendor, then tick the “Use for all new vendors” checkbox when editing the shipping method, if you want all vendors to have the same terms

  2. Set the “Rate calculation” of that shipping method to “By customer’s address”. Then, on the “Shipping time and rates” tab, add all your rate areas and set the same rate for them.

  3. To hide the shipping method selection (but keep taking the shipping rate), go to Design > Layouts and switch to the Checkout tab. Turn off the “Shipping methods” block.

As a result:

  • The shipping method selection will be gone from the checkout.
  • You’ll be collecting a flat shipping rate from all orders.

i try version 4.16.1 with php 8.0 and I found the following error:

 PHP Deprecated:  Required parameter $object_name follows optional parameter $object_type in /app/addons/seo/schemas/exim/seo.functions.php on line 33
PHP Deprecated:  Required parameter $product_name follows optional parameter $object_type in /app/addons/seo/schemas/exim/seo.functions.php on line 33

and it is on line 33

function fn_create_import_seo_name($object_id, $object_type = ‘p’, $object_name, $product_name, $index = 0, $dispatch = ‘’, $company_id = ‘’, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE, $company_name = ‘’)

How can I solve this problem? I hope it doesn’t affect my SEO

Please check my other post: