Translation Faq

General questions

  • What is Сrowdin?

Сrowdin is a web servicefor collaborative translation, which allows any community member to contribute to the CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor translations.

  • Who can take part in the collaborative translation?

Anyone can contribute to the translation. You can create a new profile or simply sign in with your Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or GitHub account.

  • Do you include translated languages into the standard version of CS-Cart?

We include only those translations, which are completed at least to 50%.

  • Can I download a translation for my CS-Cart store?

Yes, you can download any completed or partially completed translation for the available languages free of charge in the .po format on the following page: [url=""][/url].

Note: at the moment translations are available only for the latest version of CS-Cart.

  • Will I get something for my work on the translation?

Yes, every year we hand-pick 3 most productive contributors to provide them with 1-year CS-Cart licenses.


  • Who validates the translations?

All submitted translation suggestions are regularly verified by native-speaking validators. A validator or a proofreader checks all translations submitted in their language: edits, accepts, or rejects them. Generally speaking, it is a validator's responsibility to keep the translation for their language in an actual state for every CS-Cart & Multi-Vendor version.

  • What are the benefits of becoming a validator?

Every year each validator is granted a free 1-year CS-Cart license once the translation is completed at least to 90%, provided that the translation is finished not more than in 2 months and is maintained during the whole year (i.e. at least 95% of language variables should always be approved). Otherwise, the free license can be disabled. Unlike the lifetime license, the 1-year license already includes such useful add-ons as eBay synchronization, and Facebook store.

  • What am I supposed to do to become a validator?

To apply for getting the validator status, please submit your request via your personal [url=""]Help Desk account[/url]. Though currently we register 1 validator for each language only, we will be glad to consider your application and give you the validator status in case the existing validator is not able to cope with the task.

Additional questions

  • The language I need is not on the list, how can I add a new language?

If there is no language you need to translate, please [url=""]contact us[/url], and we will put it on the list of available translations.

  • I have a complete translation, can I somehow upload it to the Translator?

Yes, all registered users can upload translation files in the PO format. To do that you should first export the translation from the forthcoming translated version (you can do it in the list of all languages) and then upload the file in the PO format to the project at Crowdin.

  • Can I make a translation not only for CS-Cart but for the Multi-Vendor edition as well?

Yes, you can translate language variables for the Multi-Vendor edition in the /editions/mve.po file located at the bottom of each language page of the Сrowdin project.

  • Is it possible to make a translation for a right-to-left direction languages i.e. Arabic, Hebrew, etc?

Yes, you can translate language variables of a right-to-left direction language in CS-Cart Translator.

  • As far as I see it in your online demo and trial version, German, Italian and some other translations are partial. Why is that so?

The matter is that all languages which are included into CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor are complete at least to 95% speaking of the language variables but please note that demo data (product names, descriptions, categories, etc.) is not translated. These are test products and categories and once you begin filling your own store's database with products, you will be able to translate product descriptions and categories.

Feel free to [url=""]contact us[/url] if you have any specific questions, and we will be glad to help you.