Title Tags

Whilst checking my site on a program I have, it keeps telling me the following:

  1. Your Title tag is not the first tag in the area of your page! Your Title tag should be placed before all other tags, otherwise search engines may overlook it which will significantly damage your rankings.

    Does this really make a difference?

    If so, should I make my Title tag the first tag in the area?

    Also, my site has white text on a black background and I’m worried the search engines will think my text is the same colour as the background (i.e. the search engines will assume the background is also white), therefore it won’t recognise there is any text at all.

    Any thoughts… :confused:

First your title tag is the most important tag you have so make it first and therefore more important.

Search engines don’t ‘see’ text, they read it from your code so the color matters not at all.

[quote name=‘roban’]First your title tag is the most important tag you have so make it first and therefore more important.

Search engines don’t ‘see’ text, they read it from your code so the color matters not at all.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Roban

I’ll make my Title tag the first tag in the area and I know my colour codes for text and background are ok, so I’ll stop worrying about that bit. :stuck_out_tongue: