Template fonts


How do I change the fonts on this template?

any help please


Download Firebug (www.getfirebug.com) for the Firefox browser. It will help you identify the style property to edit in the sytles.css file.

Also look at [URL]http://docs.cs-cart.com/common.php?dispatch=docs/view&node_name=examples1[/URL]

How do I change the colors of the banners, on the same page? the blue colors?

Same approach. Click on the element you want to change using Firebug and it will tell you what files or parameters are controlling it.

I don’t have firefox:confused: it will slow my pc down.

You can use [URL]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=e59c3964-672d-4511-bb3e-2d5e1db91038&displaylang=en[/URL] for IE

but Firebug is so much better. Firebug is your best friend when editing Cs-Cart templates.

ok, thank you for your time and help.