Telephone Field On Mobile

There is telephone field in profile fields. But we want system to use numeric keypad when tel field is written by mobile use. Sample is shown below.
Field value seen as type="text" in cs-cart even when its selected as telephone. How can we do type="tel" ?



    {else}  {* Simple input *}


    {else}  {* Simple input *}

then clear cache

@eComLabs thanks. It was fixed but when we go to register page it directly goes to tel field. and then it's required to click name, surname etc.

By the way we replied to sudject below. We appreciate if you check that

@eComLabs thanks. It was fixed but when we go to register page it directly goes to tel field. and then it's required to click name, surname etc.

It is required to examine the issue on the server. Unfortunately I do not have good experience with type='tel' attribute