Tags Field for search enhancement

It would be nice to have a “tags” field in the administrator to allow merchants to type keywords or phrase associated with a product that they think might make a customer searches more effective.

It would be primarily for the purpose of enhanced internal search and not visible on the product pages, but I guess you could make it optionally available on the product page for SEO purposes. Tags: Apple, Orange, Fruit

Example benefit, let’s say Apple comes out with a new iPod and they call the color “Forest” and the user types in Green iPod their not going to find it.

But if you use a tag fields with: iPod Green, Green iPod,

Using the CS Cart Demo store. And this as a samle product to search for [url]Instant Demo - CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Demo Try Free for 15 days

Let say I’m interest in season 1 of the TV show 24 and I type in “24 season 1” or “24 DVD” I’m not going to find anything.

“24 season 1”

[url]Instant Demo - CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Demo Try Free for 15 days

“24 DVD”

[url]Instant Demo - CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Demo Try Free for 15 days

So rather than having to type the search variations in the product title or description you could use this Tags field.