SUB-CAT LIST 'o' PIC - any ideas anyone?


Problem is i cannot get it to display sub-cat images any ideas anyone? see a working outview to it now, it currently displays the main cat image.


$Id: categories.tpl 1843 2006-05-22 06:43:43Z zeke $ *}

{capture name=“mainbox”}

{if $subcategories or $category_data.description}


{split data=$subcategories size=$columns|default:“4” assign=“splitted_categories”}

{foreach from=$splitted_categories item=“scats”}

{foreach from=$scats item=“category”}

{if $category}






{if $products}

{section name=products loop=$products}{/section}

{if $settings.Appearance.columns_in_products_list > 1}

{include file=“products_pages/products_multicolumns.tpl” columns=$settings.Appearance.columns_in_products_list}

{elseif $settings.Appearance.advanced_products_list == ‘Y’ && $client_env.is_javascript == ‘Y’}

{include file=“products_pages/products_advanced.tpl” title=“”}


{include file=“products_pages/products.tpl” title=“”}


{elseif !$subcategories}




{include file=“common_templates/mainbox.tpl” title=$category_data.category content=$smarty.capture.mainbox}

{if $featured_products}

{include file=“addons/featured_products/customer_categories.tpl”}


Did you get anywhere with a solution for this ?

Just to let you know I have a workaround for this,

Seems to work quite well, just means manually uploading and naming the images accordingly. Once done it looks as desired.

See my post at the bottom of this thread.
