When a customer makes a payment, using Stripe, I’ll get 8 emails from the CS Cart software that the payment is ok.
When a customer makes a payment, using Stripe, I’ll get 8 emails from the CS Cart software that the payment is ok.
Can CS-Cart take a look at this?
Payment with Ideal 8-10 emails
Payment with Klarna 10 emails
Payment with MasterCard 4 emails
Stripe checked this and they wrote:
In this case, could you please check out the support for this Addon then? It is possible for this to be a bug on their end
Hello,was this a bug ? We have same problem,receive more emails for one order over Stripe and additionaly problems with statuses,first change to paid and than as backoder.Problems started after some recent upgrades,before it worked fine.
Hi daka71,
CS-Cart made some changes in our Stripe AddOn last Friday.
But still the same problem. I reported this to the Helpdesk.
Hope they will fix it soon, 8-10x email per order is terrible.
Hello,thank you for letting me know,yes,this is terrible,we get even some orders in to backorder status,so customers must be very unsure.We must hope they will fix it.
We don’t use backorder, so don’t have that problem.
But now again, Ideal payment by Stripe (Dutch) 11 emails. And customer needs to correct the address details 3 times before going to checkout.
It is only with the Stripe AddOn.
Sisow (Buckaroo) AddOn, PayPal AddOn, no problems.
Katherine from CS-Cart, thank you for solving the problem.
I am having the same problem. Here’s a screenshot of my most recent order. You can see that the order status was change to Paid 3 times. I received three confirmation emails. Presumably my customer received three confirmation emails. And for each instance, inventory was deducted. So my store thinks I sold 3 of item A when I actually only sold 1.
CS-Cart’s support says this is not a bug and want me to subscribe to their support to have them examine it on my server. That’s not feasible for a small merchant like myself.
So I will just live with this until I can get my site moved to a different shopping cart platform.
I don’t want to hijack this thread, but we are using stock Stripe add-on with no problems. However, we are still on 4.15.2 (regular cart, not Multi-vendor etc)
Could we get a version from those that are (or are not) having problems? It may be helpful in fixing this or finding a bug, and for a heads-up for those looking to upgrade. Thank you!
We are on 4.18.3, which I believe is the latest. It’s not Multi-Vendor.
Forgive the cross-post, but I wanted followers of this thread to also see this:
The problem has been found. @cscartrocks made me an offer I couldn’t refuse–he would investigate the problem on my server and if he found the issue and resolved it, I would pay him a modest fee. If he was not able to resolve it, he would not charge me. Awesome! He found the problem. I had set up Apple Pay and Google Pay payment methods using Stripe, but later disabled them. Those two disabled payment methods were causing Stripe webhook hits, so that’s why I was getting three emails per order, and inventory deducted three times per order. The solution was to delete those payment methods, rather then disabling them. I have now deleted them and the problem has gone away. Kudos to @cscartrocks for helping me figure this out.
Good to know it’s not an unresolved bug, Stripe add-on works as intended, and something CS upgraders will not run into. Thank you for the explanation, good to hear you’re back to normal.
Is it just me or does this seem like a bug?
If the payment method is turned off, this shouldn’t happen - like with add-ons, for example.
It seemed like a bug to me, but CS-Cart support says they cannot replicate it on a vanilla install, so they think it is being caused by some third party addon or something.