Stripe Connect Testing

CS-cart team,

You have good documentation about how to configure and integrate Stripe connect, however it is completely missing a section on how to test end-to-end flow with a sample Admin, vendor and buyer account.

Stripe does have instructions on test card #s and account #s for testing but they have written the instruction for developers.

It would be nice to document steps to test with CS-cart & Stripe Connect in one place for average user without getting to deep into APIs.

My sample seller account shows in development mode and for the life of me I can't figure out how to change to live mode. That is what happens when you take few instructions from CS-cart and few from Stripe and then you don't know what you did.

Definitely helpful if there's a step on how to test it.

CS-cart team,

You have good documentation about how to configure and integrate Stripe connect, however it is completely missing a section on how to test end-to-end flow with a sample Admin, vendor and buyer account.

Stripe does have instructions on test card #s and account #s for testing but they have written the instruction for developers.

It would be nice to document steps to test with CS-cart & Stripe Connect in one place for average user without getting to deep into APIs.

My sample seller account shows in development mode and for the life of me I can't figure out how to change to live mode. That is what happens when you take few instructions from CS-cart and few from Stripe and then you don't know what you did.

CS-cart team? Anyone?

Found this video, not exactly what I was looking for but it has enough information to run test and live transactions… hope this helps.

So this is very straight forward but if you are a first timer this might be helpful.

For admin's stripe connect account you have toggle button "View test data", for testing mode, toggle that button it will change to orange color and "test data" tag will show up on the top.

Now go under Developers -> API Keys and copy test keys under "Publishable key" and "Secret Key."

You will notice word "test" with in the key itself, these keys are for testing purposes only.

Paste these keys under payment method -> stripe connect -> settings. Now you are in testing mode.

Within testing mode you could login as a buyer and make a purchase using test numbers provided by Stripe.

You will find them here:

Once you are satisfied with testing, login to Admin's Strip Connect and toggle "View test data" button -the button will get grayed out. This will also generate new set of API keys under Developers -> API Keys (these are real keys), copy/paste in the cs-cart Stripe connect setting, now you are live...

As a buyer perform one real transaction, complete the transaction with cs-cart, make sure all payments show up.

Hope this helps to someone...

Thanks guys for the help i've now setup the default Stripe Connect Add-on comes with MV 4.7.4 but then when i tried to checkout a product i got a warning that says "theres no payment method available" even i've already have the stripe connect active.

anyone know why?

Never mind... but in case someone encounter the same question? the answer is below: :grin:

Stripe Payment Method will only show upon checkout if vendor get connected to stripe.

I have yet to see a response by community or CS-cart team and I will have to figure it out on my own but worth trying...

Stripe connect pays commission lets say 5% to the admin and rest to the vendor - 95%. It all good.

But then stripe fees are charged to the Admin (platform owner) - not the vendor.

According to CS-cart documentation Stripe fees should be charged to the vendor not admin.

  • The money is transferred straight from the customer to the vendor without any deposits on the store owner side. The store owner simply gets his or her fee during the process.
  • Every transaction is charged with additional Stripe fee.
  • The vendor is responsible for the cost of Stripe fees, refunds, and chargebacks.

Any idea what could be wrong?

Its a CS-cart bug I submitted the bug and was confirmed. Just in case you are wondering.

Hey 12ka4,

Appreciate if you update this thread once you got confirmation from CS-Cart if they fix it.

Hey 12ka4,

Appreciate if you update this thread once you got confirmation from CS-Cart if they fix it.

Please follow the news in the Bugtracker:

Thanks CS-Cart Team,

Just a question, is this bug occurring on both MV and CS-Cart version or just the later one?

Thanks CS-Cart Team,

Just a question, is this bug occurring on both MV and CS-Cart version or just the later one?

This add-on is available only in Multi-Vendor, so this issue occurs only in this edition.

Is there any update to this? We are still having this issue occur

Are you referring to this post from 2018?

Unfortunately, the links to the old bug tracker don’t work anymore. But according to our records, that problem was fixed not too long after. The fix was first included in Multi-Vendor 4.8.2, released on August 15, 2018.

If the same problem with Stripe Connect has resurfaced in your marketplace, please post it on the new bug tracker.

And if you’re referring to the very first post from the topic, here’re the materials that might help:

A video that one of our forum members found:

Our documentation on Stripe Connect:

P.S. Since you’re interested in Stripe, I just thought I’d mention that the upcoming Multi-Vendor 4.16.1 will also support Stripe Checkout. It should allow for more local payment options if you use Stripe or Stripe Connect.

Thank you for your quick response.

I am having the issue you first mentioned… According to CS-cart documentation Stripe fees should be charged to the vendor not admin…" Right now the admin is receiving the Stripe fees not the Vendor. I will post it on the new bug tracker.

Thank you

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Enabling/disabling 3D Secure in the Stripe Connect Add-On changes the way the money is split between the vendors and platform but does disabling it mean there is a loss of protection?