Store Import From 2.2.4 To 4.2.4 Fun..

Hello, Im back trying to upgrade my old store still on 2.2.4 to latest 4.2.4, I used the store import and got the encoding error. I checked the log file and enabled the development string in config file and got this:

Converting orders

Notice: Undefined index: is_edp in /home/silver/public_html/cscart423/app/addons/store_import/Tygh/StoreImport/Ult/F306T401.php on line 276

Notice: Undefined index: is_edp in /home/silver/public_html/cscart423/app/addons/store_import/Tygh/StoreImport/Ult/F306T401.php on line 282

After spitting those lines multiples times it returns the encoding error pageā€¦

What is the solution to this ? Im on a dedicated server currently.

Thanks for the help

Actually it is required to examine the issue directly on your server. If you need help with the upgrade, feel free to contact us

our team will be glad to assist you too

We can offer you our help, just contact us

Got help from my host, the problem was timeout from fcgi.
