Statistics On The Product Page


black popup notification on the bottom left.

a notification that shows how many visits the page received during that day.


a notification of how many items have been sold.

Is there anyone who can do this?




black popup notification on the bottom left.

a notification that shows how many visits the page received during that day.


a notification of how many items have been sold.

Is there anyone who can do this?


Have a look here.

Add-on's title is misleading I thought it was about age proof...good find

Add-on's title is misleading I thought it was about age proof...good find


Age proof? Interesting :)

No, it is not about age proof, your customers will see notifications of:

- recent sales of a product;

- number of times a product was bought;

- number of items left in stock;

- other customers looking at this product.

Check our Sales & Social Proof add-on.

We can discuss it here.


Age proof? Interesting :)

No, it is not about age proof, your customers will see notifications of:

- recent sales of a product;

- number of times a product was bought;

- number of items left in stock;

- other customers looking at this product.

Check our Sales & Social Proof add-on.

We can discuss it here.

It looks really good, most Shopify stores have this, will buy it when time comes right now its not a priority.