Static Seo-History :-)

Does cs have a hook or pre/post-file I can use to make a function where I can read a list of old links matched to cs internal id, I can put it in mysql or even load it in an associative array.


<br />
"product_id";"urls from old shop"<br />
"1111";"aaaa/aa/product1.html"<br />
"1111";"cccc/bb/product1.html"<br />
"1111";"dddd/cc/product1.html"<br />
"2222";"ssss/cc/product2.html"<br />
"2222";"cccc/ff/product2.html"<br />
"2222";"dddd/hh/product2.html"<br />
<br />
if "request_seo-name" == "seo_name_in_cs" {<br />
	// valid seo-name (let cs continue to internal url)<br />
	exit;<br />
} else {<br />
	// not valid seo-name<br />
	Redirect to "index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=1111" and let cs take care of 301 redirect to seo-link<br />
	(OR redirect to new seo-link<br />
}<br />

Oops… forgot CS4.1.5 hopfully even 4.2

Forget this… 4.2.1 (rc) has built in function for this… WORKS GREAT :-)