SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host

Proper setup of your DNS for spf and domainkeys TXT records will help with email being identified as spam. Note too that your hosting SMTP needs to also be setup properly so that mail sent through them can be verified as being valid. You'll have to work with your hosting provider on that one unless you're running a VPS, then they can make the proper changes for your server.

Reviving this post as hit a problem last weekend where the SMTP relay we had setup with google stop working. It required the "less secure apps" to be allowed for the cart to send emails through the relay again. No idea why at 10pm on a saturday this occurred though after years of it working correctly.


Derrick, my guess is that the Cyphers used on your server are out of date and are probably using one of the obsolete cyphers to send encrypted data to Big-G's SMTP server. Have your hosting verify that both your core server AND curl are up to date on the proper cyphers to use.

We run all our carts through Sendgrid now to avoid things like this. Best $9/month you'll spend on a headache.

We run all our carts through Sendgrid now to avoid things like this. Best $9/month you'll spend on a headache.

How do you setup Sendgrid to be used with cs-cart? I have seen a manual that you had created but that doesn't talk about user name, api key etc.