SMS Coupons

Has anyone investigated a module to send SMS coupons to subscribers?

My brick and mortar store is geared towards college students. SMS is a main artery of communication for them. I’ve received two sales pitches lately to buy into a program to include coupon codes for our store in their sms marketing plan.

I’d prefer using what’s already in place in CS-Cart.

Customers could subscribe and receive special SMS coupon codes for discounts, etc.

Sound doable?


Saluki Central

awesome idea actually.

sounds good but don’t get taken to the bank buying into any programs to do this for you, it’s easy enough to do yourself, all you need is the sms phone number, pretty much 9.99 out of 10 carriers use an sms email address that all you have to do is send an email to…

Wow! Please tell us how snorocket! :slight_smile: Awesome solution for a nice marketing trick

already told you how…