smarty count and foreach loop

I am trying to create multicolumns for a block but it doesn’t seem to be working, I have the following and it is simply adding the closing TR for each count rather then if it is divided by 5 as I have started in my IF statement.

Any ideas? Thanks

{if $items.companies}

{foreach from=$items.companies item=v key=k name=foo}

{if $ % 5 == 0}


{if $items.companies|count < $items.count}


{$v} - {$}


Don’t you need to have your variables names in “”'s?


{foreach from$items.companies item="v" name="foo"}

Just a thought…

% isn’t a valid operator. Use / instead

[URL]Search Results for "docsv2" | Smarty

Mod isn’t a valid operator??? Certainly it is in an if statement. Smarty simply takes the condition in its if statement and creates a PHP if statement.

I ended up getting this to work as I hoped. The code is as follows:

The biggest issue I could was the spacing, to explain:


DOESN"T WORK - $ % 6

{if $items.companies}

{foreach from=$items.companies item=v key=k name=foo}

{if $ == 0}




My only minor issue is the if statement puts in a TR after the first listing as that index value is 0. Any ideas how to change this? The rest work after that.


Wow, I find it hard to believe that the smarty parser cares whether there is whitespace between the operator and operands or not.


Any ideas how to change this?


{if $ && (($ % 6) == 0) }

[quote name=‘tbirnseth’]Wow, I find it hard to believe that the smarty parser cares whether there is whitespace between the operator and operands or not.

{if $ && (($ % 6) == 0) }

Thanks, this is close but it actually created 7 columns for the first row then 6 for the rest?