Sitemap generated in 2 languages

I checked my account in Google webmasters and it seems that I have a lot for doubled page titles due to the fact that the sitemap generates 2 links for the same page - one of romanian and one for english. My site has only one language (romanian). Can anybody, please, tell me how can I remove the english links from the sitemap? Actually I don't want the “[color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]?sl=EN” or “[/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]?sl=RO” sufixes at all in my links. Thanks.[/size][/font][/color]

Did you set Romanian as default language, and turn off English?

Perfect! That was the problem. I didn't saw untill now this page where I can activate/disactivate languages.

One other question on the language/link topic:

Somehow, untill now were the links of the categories with the language sufix generated (e.g. /category_name-ro.html resp. /category_name-en.html). I went in the Add-ons tab in a certain category and I tried to delete this sufix, but after pressing Save it appears again like I didn't do anything. Can I still change it now that the category has products in it? How?

[size=2]It is not a big deal if there can't be anything more done. I wish to change it only for the aspect of the link.[/size]