Single Use Of Each Coupon In Comma Separated List - Bug?


There's a great feature in cs cart allowing to generate a comma separated list of coupons and set a condition for the coupon to be IN the list. It seems like it's the only manageable way to generate a significant number of coupons, print them on a cards and give away. Coupons could be generated simply using eg.

However, there's a blocker here - when we set a condition 'number of uses for each coupon less or equal to 1' it's applied to the whole list of coupons, not to just one of them.

One could use the 'single use per customer' condition, but it prevents from giving 2 coupons to single customer and it encourages cheating, because customers can set up new accounts and reuse old coupons.

So the only sensible option would be to allow to set up a list of comma separated coupons and provide an option for each of them to be usable only once.

Do you guys confirm that there's no way around it and agree that this is not how it's supposed to work? Any ideas for workarounds? I'm not interested in autogenerated coupons, because they are dependent on eg. order total, so it's not useful for 'offline' promotion with coupons being printed and handed over physically to people.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Yes, looks like a bug. Please post it to the bug tracker

Will do, thanks.
However I understand why it's there - probably the whole comma separated string is stored as a single row in the DB, so there's no place to mark which one was used on a per code basis.

Will do, thanks.
However I understand why it's there - probably the whole comma separated string is stored as a single row in the DB, so there's no place to mark which one was used on a per code basis.

You are right, string is not split into array and stored as simple string