Show Supplier Company for Shipping Method on Orders Detail Page

Hi all, Since I have a number of suppliers that use the same shipping method,

Id like to be able to show the Supplier Company in the Admin Orders.details page.

I know that each shipping method can have its own name per supplier, but I dont want this Supplier company identified to the customer.

So. Ive almost got it but cant work out the variable I need to use (if there is one)

In the Shipping Section of the admin>orders.detail page: I want to show the Supplier Company:

The mod needs to be in : …/skins/basic/admin/views/orders/details.tpl

The shipping section starts about line 146,

{* Shipping info *}<br />
   {if $order_info.shipping}<br />
		{include file="common_templates/subheader.tpl" title=$lang.shipping_information}<br />
  <br />
   {foreach from=$order_info.shipping item="shipping" key="shipping_id" name="f_shipp"}<br />
<br />
		<div class="form-field"><br />
		 <label>{$lang.method}:</label><br />
		 {$shipping.shipping}<br />
		</div><br />
  <br />
		{if $settings.General.use_shipments != "Y"}<br />
		 <div class="form-field"><br />
		  <label for="tracking_number">{$lang.tracking_number}:</label><br />
		  <input id="tracking_number" type="text" class="input-text-medium" name="update_shipping[{$shipping_id}][tracking_number]" size="45" value="{$shipping.tracking_number}" /><br />
		 </div><br />
		 <div class="form-field"><br />
		  <label for="carrier_key">{$lang.carrier}:</label><br />
		  {include file="common_templates/carriers.tpl" id="carrier_key" name="update_shipping[`$shipping_id`][carrier]" carrier=$shipping.carrier}<br />
		 </div><br />
		 <div class="form-field"><br />
   {include file="views/companies/components/company_name.tpl" company_id=$shipping.company_id}<br />
		 </div><br />
```<br />
I think the trouble is that the {foreach} loop :<br />
{foreach from=$order_info.shipping item="shipping" key="shipping_id" name="f_shipp"}
```<br />
does not relate to this include that Ive put in:<br />
{include file="views/companies/components/company_name.tpl" company_id=$shipping.company_id
```<br />
<br />
If someone could help with the correction of<br />
{include file="views/companies/components/company_name.tpl" company_id=$shipping.company_id}
```<br />
<br />
Greatly appreciated,