Show Products Wishlist Count In Front End Product Details Page

People add products to wish list every day, I think it would be rather reasonable to show how many customers have particular item added in wish list ?

Try the following code

{$wl_amount = 0}
{if $smarty.session.wishlist.products}
    {foreach from=$smarty.session.cart.products item=p}
        {if $p.product_id == $product.product_id}
            {$wl_amount = $wl_amount + $p.amount}
{if $wl_amount > 0}
    Wishlist contains {$wl_amount} items

(!) Not tested

Does not work for me, thanks for try

Does not work for me, thanks for try

Please replace




When I add product to wishlist "Wishlist contains 1 items" but that's not the result I wanted.

Here is demonstration

"5814 watching" that means 5814 people have this product added to "Add to watch list" and that is visible for all.

When I add product to wishlist "Wishlist contains 1 items" but that's not the result I wanted.

Here is demonstration

"5814 watching" that means 5814 people have this product added to "Add to watch list" and that is visible for all.

Looks I misunderstood your initial request.

{$wl_amount = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(user_id)) FROM ?:user_session_products WHERE type = ?s AND product_id = ?i"|db_get_field:'W':$product.product_id}
{if $wl_amount > 0}
    {$wl_amount} watching

(!) Not tested

Unfortunately this does not work.

Just tested. It works, but old information is shown due to page cache. It is required to make additional changes in the app/schemas/block_manager/blocks.php file (or extend it with the module)



to the list of "update_handlers" array for the "products.view" element

Wow, perfect! Thank you very much.

You are welcome!