Short Description

In the manual it says that if you do not give a short desciption that it will use the first 300 chars of the full description.

However it doesn’t seem to be working.

Does it have to be enable by selecting an option, if so what option is it?


I have the same problem and have posted about this long ago and still have not found a solution. For some folks this feature works, and for folks like you and me it does not. Sorry I couldn’t help.


[quote name=‘StrangeRanger’]I have the same problem and have posted about this long ago and still have not found a solution. For some folks this feature works, and for folks like you and me it does not. Sorry I couldn’t help.


Same problem for me

I am not a programmer by any stretch, but why not just replace

‘short_description’ with full_description and truncate it to however many characters you want to show in the short description?

(sample truncate is 280 char.)

{$product.short_description|truncate:280:“… $lang.more_link”}



I only have altered 2 pages cart.tpl and products.tpl, so I do not know everywhere this description instance shows up.

It just a Q&D way to do it, but it should probably work.

Almost Done…