SHIPPING : Specific Product with Dedicated shipping Adding to Total

Hi All
I’ll apologize in advance for my poor and broken English.
I’m enquiring for an Ultimate/Multistore installation


  • let’s say we sell about a 100 products whom came , with option / variation and sorts, in a range from 1 liter or less 'till Boxes with many jerrycans/tanks in it, till a Barrel -220 Liters-

we ship this products in 2 ways : pick up from store And with our Standard Shipping method ( basically the Only true phisycal shipping we offer )

Now, we are extending the range to other Products, whose need a Separate form of shipping for Many reasons - by the Law, because highly flamables and in because in Larger quantity -

I don’t know if because I’m Not working on the Root site or else, but I’ve found some difficulties setting up a Shipping to Those specific Products alone, - I’ll be on it again btw, not the main problem -
Now, does, the Cs Cart -Ultimate-, has the capability to SUM at checkout these 2 Ranges of products with 2 Separate Shipping Methods ?

To Create an Aditional Shipping Method to a Small Range of Products
This Shipping has to work with the “standard” shipping we offer as default and, Obviously,
adding to the total in the cart.

Any Idea or Mod ?

Thanks for your tips or direction .


So what you are saying is
Product A, has shipping applied as standard? £10.00
And product B, has a seperate shipping charge here £5.00 Screenshot by Lightshot
but if product A and B are ordered together you want to add BOTH shipings together £15.00 ?

probably best to exclude Product B from original £10.00 shipping by using a “basket” promotion
where “products” are "not in " “product b” and then add the total shipping costs in the ame place as before maybe but £15.00 Screenshot by Lightshot

Hi @johnbol1

Thanks for your time and reply

But can do like that.

Maybe @CS-Cart_team can suggest a way or a Thing
