Shipping - Estimate and Charge After Order Entry

We would like to be able to process orders for certain items on our site, take the payment and then email (manually) the customers a message saying that there are various shipping options for this product that cannot be calculated online and that we will email the several questions to enable us to calculate the most cost-effective shipping option that meets their requirements. This only for a certain subset of the items on our site, the remainder should calculate and bill shipping iusing the standard methods in CS-Cart.

I have searched all the posts on shipping and cannot find a previous discussion of this.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

This is an interesting thought. We too have a few larger items that would fit into this category if it were available. Is there a way to do this in the current system?

[quote name=‘clips’]This is an interesting thought. We too have a few larger items that would fit into this category if it were available. Is there a way to do this in the current system?[/QUOTE]

Hello clips,

There is no easy way to do it in standard CS-Cart. A lot of code modifications are required to get it. You can make them by yourself or find a third-party development for this work on this forum or contact our developers using our Customer Help Desk.

Thank you.

Mikhail Ponomarev

CS-Cart Support team

I need this option for my Multi Vendor

Add a field to be part of the product information (not necessarily extend the products table) called ‘contact_for_shipping’.

Use the hook in the shipping calculation to set all calculated rates to zero if the product has that option set.

Modify the shipping portion of the checkout process to also be sensitive to zero rates and the contact_for_shipping field.

An option would be too have the contact_for_shipping contain a general amount for that item. Customers would be charged that general amount with possible adjustments after contact (but at least you’d know that rough shipping amount would be authorized for the purchaser).