Shared Seo Names For Multistore


Anyone know of a workaround for having the same SEO name for multistore? I have two storefronts. And want to use gallery.html for both of them, but the Admin UI doesn't let you set them both to the same value even though they are in different storefronts.

You can modify the database directly to have the same value for two different object_id's, so its not a database restriction.

It seems to be a codebase restriction and I can't understand why this would be the case considering it is able to tell that you are viewing a different storefront.

Any thoughts?


If the products are shared between the storefronts they should share the same SEO name. If they are not shared then you need to set the SEO name for each storefront. SEO names are unique based on object_id, type, dispatch, lang_code, company_id.

Thats what I thought. Specifically here I am talking about page names... I have two stores:


The first storefronts has a gallery page at /gallery.html . Even if I create a completely different page in the second storefront (not shared), I am unable to assign it an SEO name of /gallery.html - it won't save.

As far as I can see, these domains use different cs-cart versions

CS-Cart: version 3.0.6 ULTIMATE


CS-Cart 4.3.7

Please advise

I have a new version of the aquarange store that is running from the bar-fridges-australia install which I am currently configuring… Unfortunately it’s not publicly accesible

I believe his (Ecom's) point is that they are not "storefronts" if they are separate instances of cs-cart. Storefronts are multiple stores within the same instance of cs-cart that all use the same database and backend admin panel.

yes, he is right. I was using my domain names as an example just to identify my problem. The aquarange storefront that I am trying to configure is here: with a store access key of 'aquarange'

Forget the

Is anyone else able to give their pages the same SEO name across different storefronts?

I have just tested it on the local installation. I can use the same SEO URLs for the same page on several store-fronts without any problem

Store-front #1:

Store-front #2:

what version are you running? are are you SEO addon settings the same for both storefronts? If I save one as /gallery, the other changes to /gallery-en even though I untick the option to include the language in the URL..

Might download a clean copy of CS-CART and see if that makes a difference.

I used 4.3.8 version and identical settings for both store-fronts. Note that URLs were added on the Website -> SEO -> SEO rules page

Ok, interesting. That is a different method for setting the SEO name than what I am using. I am using the addon section for a page. I don't understand the reason for the two ways to define it.

SEO rules are used to create rewrite rules for custom controllers:

If you use CMS pages, just share the page between store-fronts on the Share tab on the Update page page. In this case, the same SEO URL will be used