set product position


Where can I set the position of the products?

I mean to the order that products show on the screen


Depends on what display pages/method you are using…

Order is set when there is a Pos designation in the table list of products

If there is a Pos then order is set by lowest number first


10 First product - top

20 Second product

30 Third product

I don’t have POS column in my products page. only in categories page…

check this out: [url]Mystic Sea - Natural Dog shampoos | dogs shampoo | dog grooming

If you “Search” Products (Categories), the resulting screen will provide the POS Box for that category.


whait - I just want to setup the order that products appears to the customers

You can change the order on your products in your admin. First search in you “manage products” then change the position on the pos column.

Here is a screen shot:


Thanks Brandon,

That was clearer than my little explanation


LOL and just a wee bit clearer than mine also…:rolleyes:

Hi brandonvd,

Thank you for the time you investment.

please take a look at my screen shoot:

I don’t have the position column. Is there any place to enable it?

I got this one brandonvd…

minerals…You have to do a SEARCH for the products in a particular category.


“Search in category:”

Select a category

Click search

This will then show products listed with a “POS” available.

Look at brandonvd’s image…see where is says SEARCH HERE FIRST.

That should do it right?

Hi WebGuy,

thanks for your help

I did search I the POS column appear to me. I changed the numbers and…nothing. the order stay the same. is there ant checkbox that I need to click on it to make it work?

You have to click on the update button right below the POS column. As you can see in my image I don’t have my products positioned in any certain way, but this should work exactly the same as setting the position on your categories.


I check all the checkbox near the products name and than I push UPDATE. in the DB the number of the POS changed, but nothing in the front store. can it be disable?

In your admin - Appearance

What is your product sort setting?


right now it’s on “product name”. should I change it?

I would try. Like I said I don’t have my products listed this way, but this should work. I guess if all else fails you can just switch back to “product name” if it doesn’t work.



thank you very much for your help!

I set position to 1 instead of 0 was set by default. I want to change back 1 to 0 but it does not change??? What could be wrong?

135 SP3


I’m not quite sure what you are asking. I don’t think it would matter if the position is 1 or 0. The only way I could see it making a difference is if you have some products 1’s and some 0’s, but otherwise they would all be the same order reguardless.

I don’t number my products, but I do number my categories. When I number my categories I number by 10’s. So basically 10, 20, 30, etc. By doing this it allows me to add categories in between if I need to in the future.

I hope this helps. If this has nothing to do with what you are asking, than sorry in advance.


All products by default are 0, and only few I’ve set to 1 and could not reverse this setting.

But yesterday I did it, I set it to -1 (position of product) and after clicking save I got 0 :slight_smile:

The reason I did this all thing was I wanted some products to be sorted, for example 5 similar products in a roll, and higher in category then others. I have my products sorted by default in appearance settings, this sorts products by its ID.

Either way everything is sorted now, thanks.

[quote name=‘brandonvd’]Darius

I’m not quite sure what you are asking. I don’t think it would matter if the position is 1 or 0. The only way I could see it making a difference is if you have some products 1’s and some 0’s, but otherwise they would all be the same order reguardless.

I don’t number my products, but I do number my categories. When I number my categories I number by 10’s. So basically 10, 20, 30, etc. By doing this it allows me to add categories in between if I need to in the future.

I hope this helps. If this has nothing to do with what you are asking, than sorry in advance.
