Server online but can't access website


We have an occasional issue where our website (frontend and admin panel) don’t load, but we can get into the server’s cPanel and WHM. Anyone know why this might be happening or anything we can do to check next time?

Hello. Check if your domain is working correctly; most likely, it has expired.

Hello, the domain hasn’t expired. We get this issue randomly every few months where the website doesn’t load for 10-15 mins and then comes works again. We had this issue today, where it wouldn’t load for 10 minutes, came back for 3 then went off again for 7 minutes. I was wondering if it could be a PHP issue or something software related?

Most likely, you have issues related to database load. If there are database locks caused by server processes ( such as large product updates, price changes, or inventory adjustments ) or any events that trigger heavy queries, this may result in PHP processes being unable to handle these requests, leaving them waiting for responses. Consequently, this could lead to website access becoming “blocked.”

If you have technical support that can check this issue or at least SSH access, you can monitor what is happening during these periods. However, even with the necessary tools, it can be quite challenging. On the other hand, if the issue is due to resource limitations or obvious coding errors, you should be able to identify it fairly easily.

If you’re unable to resolve this issue on your own, I recommend using our services (advertisement). We specialize in working with CS-Cart and have the necessary monitoring tools to identify and address such problems. Fully Managed Cs-cart SSD Cloud VPS Hosting

Our hosting provider has advised we “need to do site optimization including MySQL Database optimisation”. Any ideas on how we do this?

Settings->Storage->More->Optimize database


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Thank you! I forgot about that - do you know what exactly it does? Is it deleting anything from the database?

When something is deleted from the database (products, images, sessions, etc.) the MyISAM storage engine doesn’t completely remove it and puts it into “Overhead”. Optimizing the table empties the “Overhead” thus freeing up more space.