SEO name modification?

Hello I have modification done for 135 SP3 it does this:


n725 is products SKU.

This is done in this way:

replace the following part of code in the “products.php” file located in the “addons/seo/include/admin”

$object_name = (!empty($product_description['seo_name'])) ? $product_description['seo_name'] : $product_description['product'];


$object_name = (!empty($product_description['seo_name'])) ? $product_description['seo_name'] : (!empty($product_data['product_code'])) ? $product_description['product'] . ' ' . $product_data['product_code'] : $product_description['product'];

and this part of code:

$object_name = (!empty($product_description[$k]['seo_name'])) ? $product_description[$k]['seo_name'] : $products_description[$k]['product'];

with this one:

$object_name = (!empty($products_description[$k]['seo_name'])) ? $products_description[$k]['seo_name'] : (!empty($products_data[$k]['product_code'])) ? $products_description[$k]['product'] . ' ' . $products_data[$k]['product_code'] : $products_description[$k]['product'];

Can someone tell me how to install and adjust this code for 2.04 ?

Thank you