Select multiple pages of orders to export

Hi, I am trying to export all previous one year orders.
But only one page or maximum 250 order can select and export once a time.
Means if we have 3300 orders in last year, I can select and export that date.
Provide any solution as soon as possible.

If there is no solution by cs-cart, it means cs-cart has very few users, Also that can not found solution in last 20 years. It means cs-cart is struglling and we will be next as cs-cart users.
Hope found the solution. So i can motivate myself with cs-cart.

There are two possible solutions

  • export all orders, sort by date and leave only required data

  • make a search (last year orders) and add &items_per_page=5000 to the URL

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Request you please check magento 2 order panel.

This is open source Magento 2, I was using.

this will find 3300 order from 1st jan 23 to 31 dec 23 change the 3300 to any number if your server can handle it…you may need to do 1000 per time or 500


Sorry to inform but his will stuck the browser.
But when i was using in magento it works fine without any issues.

that depends on your server specs, can you try 1000 per time