Saving of "Pages" block

When trying to save a “Pages” block in 2.0.1, nothing happens.

Has anyone else run into this? Problem occurs in the standard demo as well as my more customized area.

Assuming there’s JS bug here somewhere. Browser is FF3.

[quote name=‘tbirnseth’]When trying to save a “Pages” block in 2.0.1, nothing happens.

Has anyone else run into this? Problem occurs in the standard demo as well as my more customized area.

Assuming there’s JS bug here somewhere. Browser is FF3.[/QUOTE]

I do have the same problem with 2.01 beta !

Just tried saving a Pages Block using IE7

Name: Test Pages Block

Block Content: Pages

Filling: Dynamic

Appearance: Dynamic.

Works fine for me. Using 2.0.1 upgrade.